Equine Sexing Agents
Equine semen sexing agent: FEMALE
This new product can be used to sex a single dose of FRESH stallion semen at the time of insemination. This agent will boost the % of female foal to 75% and increase overall semen fertility. Also available in 1/2cc single-doses for FROZEN semen.
If you have an ongoing artificial breeding program and are interested in sexing, please contact us for more information at 708-442-3964 or email: order@emlabgenetics.com
Instruction Leaflets
Equine semen sexing agent: MALE
Just released. This product can be used to sex a single dose of FRESH stallion semen at the time of insemination. This unique agent will boost the % of Male foal an additional 25% and increase overall semen fertility. Also available in 1/2cc doses for FROZEN semen.
Note: No potential negative side-effects have been reported.
Instruction Leaflets